Np300 Navara Accessories Pt 1 Bonnet deflector.

Hi all. I have had a few questions lately about the 'extras' and accessories I have on my Np300. I thought I would use this blog entry to share some of the kit i have fitted on my vehicle. There will be a video presentation on this comming out soon.
The most obvious addition to my vehicle is probably the nose deflector. This is made by EGR (autostyling)
Follow this link if you would like to see it on amazon.
I purchased it primarily to protect the bodywork at the front from Stone chips and if im honest because i liked the look of it. I did not anticipate that the 'deflector part of it would a) do anything b) be of consequence to me. However. What i Have found is that at speeds above 50mph the deflector does substantially affect the air flow and starts to reduce the rain and debris hitting the windscreen. I intend to do an experiment with some form of home spun wind tunnel style photography to show the airflow with and without the deflector. Luckilly? i drove my navara at night in blizzard conditions on two days back to back, before and after i fitted the deflector. When you drive at night in the snow you get a weird tunnel effect as the headlights pick out the individual flakes and they appear to be coming straight at you rather than falling down.With the deflector this effect was markedly different with most if not all of the snow visibly moving up and over the windscreen rather than hitting it. Rain is rather heavier and so though appriciable the effect is less dramatic in the rain.
Fittment was easy and suprisingly robust, utilising self tappers, clips and 3M tape. no holes need to be drilled and the whole proceedure could easilly be reversed to factory stnd if required.
My advice woud be that if you like the look that deflectors create then go for it. If you think its ugly, then dont bother. Although the other benefits are real, i dont think they are sufficient to change your mind about the looks.
See you in the next blog